
Tuesday, September 17, 2013



  1. Your planar symmetry analysis is straightforward but the hierarchy and geometry ones are not as clear.

    Add a label explaining what are the different tones of colors stand for. For example, in the Yellow Hotel you have a pink tone and a darker red tone? Use a legend to explain verbally what you tried to visualize with colors even if you think that your message is pretty clear.

  2. Thank you Loukia Tsafoulia I will be updating my post and adding a legend to my post. I will be making a legend to be consistent for all of my selected hotels. And thank you for your feedback I appreciate it.

  3. Your boards have good organization, clean graphics, and having a consistent format helps with comparing your examples.

    Hotels interiors are typically somewhat symmetrical in nature due to double loading corridors for the rooms. The Yellow and Avasa hotels have symmetry in their massing. But the others are a bit of a stretch. If you are describing symetry in hotels, I suggest looking at other examples. If you are describing these hotels in terms of symmetry, I'd look to other aspects of of the examples to emphasize.

    On some of the boards you present an elevation. Symmetry could be identified in elevation as well as in plan. In other buildings you re-presented the floor plan, without presenting any additional information.
